
All to know about the ANATOMY OF THE EYE.

Anatomy of the Eye The anatomy of the eye is complex. The main structures of the eye include: Cornea: clear tissue in the very front of the eye Iris: colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil Pupil: dark hole in the iris that regulates the amount of light going into the eye Lens: small clear disk inside the eye that focuses light rays onto the retina Retina: layer that lines the back of the eye, senses light, and creates electrical impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain Macula: small central area in the retina that allows us to see fine details clearly Optic nerve: connects the eye to the brain and carries the electrical impulses formed by the retina to the visual cortex of the brain Vitreous: clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye As you read this slideshow you may need to refer to this illustration for reference. OnHealth Diseases & Conditions Recognize These Common Eye Conditions Reveiwed By Physicians' Review Network (PRN) on 6/2

Confession From a Former Glaucoma, Cataract and Myopia Sufferer…

Are You Suffering From Eye Problems?, Repair Your Eyesight with this solution…  God's Power Special Eye Solution  To cure all eye problems including Glaucoma, Cataract and Myopia YOU ARE ABOUT TO DISCOVER THE REMEDY TO CURE GLAUCOMA AND CATARACT. This same solution has helped to improve blurred vision and myopia (shortsightedness) and even the night blindness you used to experience. Stick with me and read this whole page, and you will get your perfect eyesight back. Your eyesight story is about to change if you stick with me to the end of this page. NOTE: In as much as you can see a little, there’s still hope. So far you are not totally blind and so far the eye problems is not because of accident. Your vision will be restored by the Grace of God Well, my brother/sister… This Page is for you; If you wear Spectacle or you have Glaucoma and Cataract Or, you have been told, you have a sign of glaucoma or cataract. And, If you have any kind of retina issues Or, you have any kind/type of

Natural Eye Cleaner

This is for your natural eye cleaning. Call or message us for your prescription @  09055311592, 08108515818.  

Special Eye Solution

  This is a natural solution for the following: Clear vision, Cure of Eye infection, Long sightedness, Colour blindness, Itching of eye, Night blindness and Cataract. If you are interested in this. Kindly contact or send us a message now @ 09055311592, 08108515818.

Special Eye Solution

 This is a natural solution for the following: Short sightedness, Long sightedness, Colour blindness, Itching of eye, Night blindness and Cataract. If you are interested in this. Kindly contact or send us a message now @ 09055311592, 08108515818.